Curriculum - History
Intent and Impact:
Our history curriculum inspires pupils’ curiosity and fascination
about Britain’s past and that of the wider world. Pupils’ will begin to
understand the complexity of peoples’ lives, the process of change, the
diversity of societies, as well as their own identity and challenges of
their time. The children are taught: knowledge about the history of Britain
(e.g. WWII) and how it has influenced and been influenced by the wider
world; know and understand about significant aspects of the history of
the wider world like ancient civilisations and empires, such as The Shang
Dynasty, Ancient Egypt and The Mayans; changes in living memory and beyond
living memory; learn about the lives of significant people of the past.
We also aim to develop historical skills such as: asking perceptive questions,
thinking critically, weighing evidence, sifting arguments, developing perspective
and judgement. Learning is enhanced by use of fieldwork and educational
The children’s learning is assessed against criteria that are
based on the 2014 National Curriculum statements for History. We use summative
assessment to determine children’s understanding and inform teachers planning.
This is reviewed by SLT and the subject leader, who also carries out learning
walks, quizzes, book scrutiny and lesson observations.