Outcome Kenmore Park Junior School
continues to be a good school
What is it like to attend this school?
Pupils are happy and safe at this school. They get on very well together.
Pupils are proud of their school.
Pupils settle in quickly when they join the school. They enjoy learning
interesting knowledge and skills across all subjects. Staff have high expectations
of what pupils can do and achieve. They encourage pupils to take part in
many aspects of school life. This includes participating in a range of
educational trips and clubs, including residential visits. Pupils take
part in projects to recycle as much as they possibly can and to reduce
plastic waste. They collect money, food and gifts for various charities.
Behaviour in lessons and around the school is calm and orderly. Pupils
are respectful of staff and of each other. Staff take care of pupils. Pupils
know that staff are there to help them with their learning and with any
concerns that they might have. Bullying is rare, and swiftly dealt with.
Parents and carers feel well supported by leaders.
Pupils appreciate the
wide range of sporting and musical opportunities they have at school, such
as gymnastics, skipping club, chess and choir.